Patient Education

Teeth Brushing Teeth brushing using an electric toothbrush. How to have healthy teeth? Brush your teeth twice daily at least two minutes...

Dentistry Encyclopedia Team 16 Jun, 2023

Dental Erosion Dental erosion due to alcohol consumption. Definition: It is a partially dissolution of your teeth structure especially ...

Dentistry Encyclopedia Team 24 Apr, 2023

Dental Plaque Plaque biofilm on and in between teeth surfaces. Definition: It is the sticky , colorless film from bacteria which gro...

Dentistry Encyclopedia Team 21 Jan, 2023

Dental Tartar Dental tartar before and after its removal. This case worked by a Slovenian dentist, Dr Zobozdravstvo Gros. Introduction:...

Dentistry Encyclopedia Team 11 Jan, 2023

Gingivitis The upper picture shows inflamed gingiva and the lower picture shows healthy gingiva. These pictures were taken by a jordani...

Dentistry Encyclopedia Team 1 Jan, 2023

Dental Caries   Severe caries of anterior teeth shows esthetically unacceptable smile. These pictures were taken by a jordanian cosmetic ...

Dentistry Encyclopedia Team 30 Dec, 2022